Printer Friendly Version Participation of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO at the 207th session of the UNESCO Executive Board @ 16 October 2019 03:03 PM

The Permanent Delegation of Serbia to UNESCO participated at the 207th session of the UNESCO Executive Board, held from 9 to 23 October 2019. Ambassador Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili attended the meetings of the Bureau of the Executive Board, as a Vice - President of this body on behalf of the Electoral Group II. In addition to the participation in the plenary debate, the representatives of the Permanent Delegation of Serbia also delivered statements on many other important topics on the agenda of the session, such as the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture, Participation Programme and Emergency Assistance, Comprehensive Partnership Strategy, Human Resources Management Strategy for 2017 - 2022, report on the measures to ensure equitable geographical distribution at all levels, the Executive Board’s Preparatory Group and its working methods, and the Draft Programme and Budget (40 C/5). They also addressed the issues of the reform of the UN system, artificial intelligence, the Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Education 2030 and the prevention of violent extremism.

 Statement of the Republic of Serbia in the plenary debate of the 207th session of the UNESCO Executive Board